December 07, 2005

Four times Two times Five plus One

Yup. That would be 41. Man, you are really good at math, aren't you? And that number would be the number of pages I currently have done of my first long writing project. I don't really know what to call it--an unfinished novel? That sounds rather arrogant and early to assume such an appellation. The beginning of a novella? Perhaps. I'm more comfortable saying "41 pages of a longer piece."

How handy dandy perfect that Brown requires a writing sample of 30-40 pages. My problem, however, is that I have another 12 page story too that I think might be worth including. So, do I do the long one or a combination? Which do I place first for maximum emphasis? And, later on the line, I have writing sample requirements of only 15 pages. Only 15!! Sheesh. I can do hardly anything in 15 pages. What do I do then?

Well, if you don’t' mind (shucks and golly gee whiz), I would like to ask anyone who is interested to give me some feedback. I would love, love, love to send you out a copy to get an unbiased reading and a helpful opinion. No, I am not trying to foist off my amateur crap on the unsuspecting public. I do think this is some good work. So, please, if you have some time to spare to help out this little gnome, let me know. I would repay you with a glowing recommendation and perhaps even an interview posted online. How about a 20-foot statue that the masses can adore and wreath with flowers, bathe in animal blood, and prostrate themselves before? We can all rub your beautific feet to the smoothness of silk, like waves upon sand. Sound good?

PS. This is also the reason that I did not get around to Flash Fiction Friday this week. Sorry, JJ. Suppose I will have to submit to your horrid punishment of a camel's dripping mucous. Eww.


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