November 21, 2005

Flash Fiction Friday

So anyway, my boyfriend Steve is totally pissed about the way I keep forgetting shit. Or, well, about the way my forgetting shit seems to screw him over. When it just affects me, he better stay the hell out of it ‘cause it’s only me it affects but I can’t blame him, really, when he gets screwed too.

Like, I know I was supposed to tell him that his boss called and asked him to come in an hour early. All the tomatoes and cucumbers for those sandwiches got left out in the rain because he missed the food delivery. And when I called him up on his cell to see if he could bring me home a Spicy Italian on Ciabatta, he yelled at me about forgetting shit and said I was lucky if he brought me a Veggie on wheat. And those vegetables weren’t really so soggy.

“Sheila,” he says. “Where is your ring? That little silver ring I brought you from Mexico?”

“Damn,” I say. “I must’ve forgot to put it on after I washed my hands back at the mall.”

“I brought that back for you from Mexico, Sheila!” As if Rocky Point really counted as Mexico and the ring were really anything but his way of compensating for a drunken weekend with his buddies. Snort.

“You gotta stop saying ‘I forgot,’” he says. “That’s not a valid excuse.”

“It’s valid if it’s true,” I say. “You said I shouldn’t lie to you. And I’m not lying. I forgot.”

I keep telling him that the forgetful part of me is that part of me that he loves anyway. It comes from the creativity I do. You know, I painted the walls that arty shade of wine. No, it’s not pink, it’s arty. I cook a lot. I design clothes too and I will do that for my job someday. And I know I said I would pick up all the stray thread from my sewing machine that got stuck in the carpet but I forgot. I will do it tonight, okay?

But I think I have forgotten my last. Guess I didn’t remember that Steve’s precious little car that he loves so much only takes Unleaded gasoline. I didn’t really look until the tank was half full anyway so I figured it couldn’t make too much of a difference this once. I’m stuck on the side of Wadsworth. In the turn lane with the hazards on and it’s scary because people honk as they fly by so fast that it rocks the car side to side. I hope I can get through to him on his cell on the first time ‘cause my battery is low. I was going to charge it this morning but, well…


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