June 13, 2006

Fro (As Opposed to To)...

On the road again. I can't wait to get on the road again. Going places I ain't never been...

... is one of the many songs that often rolls through my head on a perpetual loop as I sit on the back of the motorcycle. My ears are filled with foamy, orange plugs and my head cushioned with the foamy, grey insulation of my helmet. My brain is filled with music, sometimes music I don't even like, including but not limited to...
  • The New Red Hot Chili Peppers - Danny California (very annoying considering I only know the chorus and a few random words
  • Matisyahu- King Without a Crown
  • Dan McLean - American Pie (which it takes me exactly seven minutes to recite words for word)
  • Benny Goodman - Goody Goody
  • Violent Femmes - Add it Up

Okay, so that last one I usually sing out loud, the sound diffusing into the multiple foamy paddings mentioned above and the roar of the open road. A road like this one that crossed Bear Tooth Pass:

The pass was only recently open that first week in June. June!! And I am so glad that we had a chance to see it regardless of the season. Once you glide up to this promontory, you cruise along a flat plateau with a two lane road. Primitive with no shoulders and the asphalt just petering out into turf. Or, winding through narrow hallways carved into six-foot-high walls of the winter's remaining snow. Below, check out the hill where the die-hard skiiers come this late in the year. If you look close you can see the T-bar lift. And, when we stopped to see them up close, they looked like normal humans. Appearances are deceiving.

Okay, maybe you can't see the T-bar in this picture. You will have to take my word that it was there. After Bear Tooth, you cross into Yellowstone. We did not see Yogi Bear but many many buffalo and a few mountain goats. The buffalo wander around unfenced, free to cross the road--or stand in it--at any point. That's a bit scary when you are exposed on a motorcycle. At one point, a huge buff stood not 20 feet away from us as we motored by. She got startled, rearing up on her hind legs and beginning to charge. It took a few seconds for me to see that she was charging away and that realization calmed me down enough that I didn't fall off the bike.

Here's one of our faithful friends now. Yellowstone sit in the caldera of an ancient volcano. In fact, ground around the park shifts due to magma activity and trees have been known to "cook" in suddenly super-heated soil. Hence the geysers and mudpots and such. Yay for the smell of rotton eggs! We even saw these resilient buffalo grazing not 10 feet from one of these geysers, the steam drifting across his path and blurring his figure.

Which leads us to the Grand Teton National Park, where we were forced to turn around on the trip up. Look at the lovely day we had coming back. While The Boyfriend took this picture, I picked dandilions, holding them awkwardly in my gloved hand. As we took off again, I then let them go to fly off in the wind. Sure, it was picturesque and fun in my hippie dippie way. I'm sure the scene will be much more memorable in the film version of my life, however. I'd like to played by Meg Ryan of ten years ago (as long as I am dreaming and all might as well include time travel).

We camped in Utah and headed home through Utah, the not as scenic part of Utah as the trip up. Sorry, some of it is filled with nothing but cows and Mormons. And the Red Hot Chili Peppers on a loop in my head. I hope the cows are okay with the proselytizing. There is little Gnomey at the base of a rock formation near Monument Valley.

Monument Valley itself will go unrecorded here. The Boyfriend claims he has many pictures of the place from previous trips and so only took one picture of us. I would show it to you but I don't post pictures of my true identity for all you wackos to see. That and I looked like absolute hell. Helmet hair, camping and saddle sore ass don't really make a stunning combination on film. I'm sure you will trust me on that one.

An excellent adventure. I hope I gave it the coverage it deserved after all this time. Much of it is probably not as fresh as it could be given the betrayal of the wireless router. Don't worry. He has been rounded up and sent to a re-education center in Siberia so not as to give any of your slaves funny ideas. Long live the humans.


Blogger justacoolcat said...

Great pictures. Fro forth my friend, fro forth.

1:04 PM  

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