May 25, 2006

Three Recommendations...

There are times when life feels stale and every experience fails to dazzle or surprise. You know? Hmm. Poor you. I seem to have been going through a streak of fabulous discoveries that impressed me enough that I will share them with millions of people who could (but probably won't) listen.

  1. The House of Tricks: Okay, not exactly what it sounds like. There was no boudoir, hanky-panky theme drifting around this restaurant. Instead, there was a large patio lit by candle light and sprayed lightly with misters--don't laugh, it's a necessary part of life down here in Phoenix if we want to breathe the real, polluted outside air anytime between now and October. Filo-wrapped Camembert cheese drizzled in basil oil. Delicious pink to red medium rare cow in a variety of sauces, sometimes accompanied by truffled mashed potatoes. Perfect choice for a Frenchman's birthday, if I do say so. I highly recommend anyone in the mood to turn that trick, but be prepared for the prices. They also are red hot.
  2. Progressive Auto Insurance: I love these guys. It cost me a whole $7 a month more to get roadside assistance. It took them a whole 15 minutes to get a locksmith out to my car and get my keys out of it while I waited in the Starbucks parking lot, watching the keychain sway in the sun where it dangled from the ignition. Free of chrage. Last time I had a problem, they called Best Buy for me to search their customer records for the make and model of stereo that had been stolen out of my car. Now that's service!
  3. Calling Disco Stu! Love the Bee-Gee's? Check out Gnarls Barkley.


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