August 01, 2006

Addled with Heat...

Though I have been told the same information in the past, I was reminded at a Starbucks this afternoon about a phenomenon I always found interesting. It being a steamy 115 degrees outside, the menu board is all about the frozen drinks and tropical fruit inspired tea smoothie concoctions. The woman in front of me ordered a mocha. When the barrista ask if her if she would like that hot, she replied, "O God, no!"

The barrista, a health nut looking boy with a shag of sandy hair and the healthy glow that drives Mrs. Robinsons everywhere wild began to tell the woman how hot beverages actual keep the body cooler than iced ones. Counter-intuitive, I know, but basically true. The closer the liquid is to body temperature, the less the body has to work in order to process it, the less energy expended when the rest of the body had to absorb excess hot or cold and equalize it. ExpenAnd if you don't believe me, believe some random person who claimed the same thing on Yahoo Answers.

This makes me wonder... If the body works harder when you shove it full of things of a very high or low temperature, does this mean some radical new diet will emerge from the idea? We have heard of the cabbage soup plan and the no-carb, low-carb, right vs wrong carb options. Now, prepare yourself for the ice diet, guaranteed to melt (ha ha) away those excess pounds.

On a wacky note and in tribute to one Cool Cat, I now give you your moment of meow...


Blogger Unknown said...

That picture is fantastic but I still want my latte iced.

11:41 AM  
Blogger justacoolcat said...

I had to explain the same thing a fwe weeks ago when I was doing some volunteer work, drinking hot coffee, and it was over 100 degrees.

Also, that picture is creep as hell. You make me so proud.

7:21 PM  

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