May 12, 2006

When it rains...

So I am off to Colorado for the weekend. Home home on the Front Range. I just love walking off of that plane--even in the jetway, your nostrils fill up with that light, oxygen thin air. For my lungs, it's the equivalent of mac and cheese or momma's meatloaf--it's comfort food. Um, comfort air. Jetting off just for the weekend very literally. Out Friday night and in Sunday night. Can't really miss work when I just started full time this week.

What's the occasion, you say? Nah, you probably wouldn't care enough to say but I'll tell you anyway. Mother's Day, of course. Haven't seen my lovely Momma since Christmas and I simply must give her the gift I brought her back from our trip to Hungary, which I know she will love. It's one of those touristy ceramic plates with the local sights, in the case Chain Bridge in Budapest. My sister and I both bring home these plates for her collection whenever we travel around. Mom is really big on that collecting stuff. Norman Rockwell prints. Southwestern art and artifacts (She has peace pipes, I swear). Betty Boop. I guess all moms have somewhat of a penchant for surrounding themselves with sentimental clutter. Maybe that's how they fill the void of the chlidren grown up. Hmm. I've been replaced with Betty Boop.

Also on the menu are two graduations. My sister, who already has her BA in marketing, just finished her AA in graphic design. Ain't she and the baby in her tummy just an advertising dynamic duo. I'm so proud that she's going after the more creative end of the business. I never could, never will, understand any of that serious, analytical, businessy mumbo jumbo. My creativity bubbles annoyingly, building up pressure, until I let it out in some way, no matter how mundane. Take, for instance, Michael Brung's timebox!

My step-brother is also graduating this weekend with his BA which is ultra-special. He spent four years in the service right out of high school and therefore delayed college. But army money and dedication helped him pull through and now he's got it. Jeez. That means that I have been out of school for four years now. Hmm. Hold on. I was about to have a "where am I going is this the right path I'm lost and pathetic and I will never get what I want" moment but I held it off. Whew.

Anyway. I'm off for the weekend and since Momma's got nothing but dial-up I might be out for the count. We'll see. Happy Friday all and give your mommies a big sloppy kiss for me!


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