March 04, 2006

In Case You're Mad at Me...

Me? What? I didn't do anything wrong! How could you kick me and set me ablaze? Who made up this curious, mean-spirited and very amusing game of Gnome Punting?


Blogger justacoolcat said...

really we have no issues, so I can't explain the punting. I guess, it was there . . there was a button . . a boot . .. a gnome.

It's all a blur.

Many apologies.


9:13 PM  
Blogger Diamond said...

Yes, gnomey dear, dogs do lay in the sun, as all four of mine will attest too, but since mine are all essentially developmentally challenged, I thought it was wiser to go with a cat.

Now, tell me, who is abusing gnomes, and I shall strike them down with a vengeance heretofore unknown to mankind!

2:20 PM  

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