October 26, 2005

Whining's Rewards

You know, I really should just start bitching about more things in my blog as the act of bitching seems to make them about face, bow down in tribute, and become un-bitch-able. In other words, my writing about the lack of response from internet job searches has provoked such an inundation of phone calls and emails and interview requests that I have dusted off and ironed my good, professional, "I am a responsible adult" grey skirt. Not that this blog directly provoked said job prospects--as in the employers looked at this site and said, hey!, look at this fun/witty/talented/hirable girl (although if you happen to be an employer and happen to be looking at it, Hi There!)--but just like magic. Like something in the cosmic scheme of things made my resume pop to the top of everyone's list and look very appealing, like a chicken salad sandwich with pecans and chunks of apple and mmmmmmmm. Sorry, it's lunch time.

A magic blog for this questing gnome, granting wishes through high-speed wireless connections to the world. Perhaps next time I should idly rant about, hmmm, the diameter of my thighs or my apartment complex’s failure to stem the tide of field mice in my kitchen or that my car doesn’t get good gas mileage. I’m feeling lucky so I say, c’mon seven. Momma would like a new pair of running shoes (or some cute black boots for fall).


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