October 15, 2005

"We need to talk," I said to Myself

A twenty-something on the road to somewhere but currently at a rest stop someplace inbetween where the rest rooms smell of bleach and the vending machines have no diet soda. And the rest stop is Arizona and a job I fell into. Not that it is all bad. The view is great. The desert can be truly beautiful in a purple sunset, rust-colored soil way. And I have excellent companionship. Family and friends and a "domestic partner" who is all I could ever want. But it's time to get back on the road again, I think. This gnome's journey.

I am applying to graduate school again this year. I have decided. I have said the sentence aloud. I am applying to graduate school again this year. So at this moment of this blog's creation, I have two more days of gainful employment before my two weeks notice runs out, eleven new links to creative writing program websites in my bookmarks, and a sick boyfriend upstairs. (Poor guy. The big, blue IBM devil works him into a weak immune system and swelling tonsils.)

And, I am going to work more on the work of my heart--writing. Practice makes perfect. And hopefully, soon this will not be the only place that practice will be published.


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